1st April 2022

Bringing together diverging mindsets, skills and cultural imprints is by far the most effective way of fostering true creativity and enabling major breakthroughs. 

At our House of Communication, we like to celebrate our diversity, already well present in our workforce. This is why, in 2022 we want to get to know each other better so we can collaborate in all openness and understanding. 

We’re taking that intention a step further. Serviceplan is aware that fostering the full potential of our team requires a journey of reflection and integration into the structural roots of our company. We see this as a logical step in ensuring the creation of sustainable, economically successful and fascinating best brands for our clients.  Our partner in this journey is YIN United. Liesbeth Dillen and Emily Rammant are an experienced duo with a focus on growth through inclusive leadership and an innovative mindset, with a specific knowledge of our creative industry.   

No policy can be integrated if not supported by our team members. 10 voluntary colleagues with very different profiles will be key participants in this project. From mid-April until the end of June, they will contribute to the development of our diversity journey.  

Since we believe in the generosity of sharing, we’ll invite people inside and outside the agency to join us on our journey into becoming an even more inclusive, socially aware company. We will face challenges, make mistakes, celebrate our milestones, and hope they will inspire others to consider their own D&I journey. 

We’re only getting started and taking it very seriously. Keep on following us & share your own ideas and feedback here.

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